Friday, February 10, 2006

I write things down half-asleep. At their worst they sound Dedalean-deadly (Stephen, that is). But I still like them. Here's some more:

All an ocean, self-consciousness a region long-traveling swells pass through—perception the region of shallowing limnality, the breakers what we call words. Called words. Those swells, what we choose to fill our consciousness, when choice is an element, which it always is. Which is where my metaphor breaks down; but for that, we are what swells pass through, on their way to words, which wash back through, under and into, away.

* * * * * *

Of Clouds

Apprehension is more important than verbalization. Poetry is verbalization as close to apprehension as can be (or the trying for). That is, it is apprehension acceding to verbalization (grudging) or apprehension transfigured by verbalization (triumphant).

What I mean is, your soul is always whole, but if you for one reason or another think it is not, all things dependent on it (your world) will conform to, will act as if it is, the way you think it is, the way your thought massages it to be; if you like me feel you have an ache in your soul, your body and mind and acquaintances and prayers will all conform. So will your language, and so will your perception. This is what is meant by ‘free will.’

Though all these things which grow strange will tend back to the natural path, of which wholeness whole apprehension is the apprehension of. Poetry, insofar as it is visionary (aperceptive), is this tending back. It also affords for the reader participation, insofar as it is given free reign beyond the social madedness which may serve as scaffold; participation, in that individuals who share society share concerns, concerns on their one face misperceptions, on their other the working out of. The deeper the one, the deeper the other. This is what is meant by ‘group consciousness.' Without context.

(Alternately, that last sentence could read "By which I mean poetry is that without context." My handwriting can be hard to discern, so play it like mad-libs, as you like.)

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